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The morphogen Sonic hedgehog inhibits its receptor Patched by a pincer grasp mechanism.

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Rudolf AF. et al, (2019), Nature chemical biology, 15, 975 - 982

EXD2 Protects Stressed Replication Forks and Is Required for Cell Viability in the Absence of BRCA1/2.

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Nieminuszczy J. et al, (2019), Molecular cell, 75, 605 - 619.e6

The DNA fibre technique – tracking helicases at work

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Nieminuszczy J. et al, (2016), Methods, 108, 92 - 98

The Fanconi Anemia Pathway Maintains Genome Stability by Coordinating Replication and Transcription

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Schwab RA. et al, (2015), Molecular Cell, 60, 351 - 361

TopBP1 Interacts with BLM to Maintain Genome Stability but Is Dispensable for Preventing BLM Degradation

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Blackford AN. et al, (2015), Molecular Cell, 57, 1133 - 1141

BRCA2 Coordinates the Activities of Cell-Cycle Kinases to Promote Genome Stability

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FANCJ couples replication past natural fork barriers with maintenance of chromatin structure

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Schwab RA. et al, (2013), The Journal of Cell Biology, 201, 33 - 48

The DNA translocase activity of FANCM protects stalled replication forks

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Visualization of DNA Replication in the Vertebrate Model System DT40 using the DNA Fiber Technique

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A novel ATRibute of FANCM

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ATR activation and replication fork restart are defective in FANCM-deficient cells

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