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Cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) can provide 3D reconstructions, or tomograms, of pleomorphic objects such as organelles or cells in their close-to-native states. Subtomograms that contain repetitive structures can be further extracted and subjected to averaging and classification to improve resolution, and this process has become an emerging structural biology method referred to as cryoET subtomogram averaging and classification (cryoSTAC). Recent technical advances in cryoSTAC have had a profound impact on many fields in biology. Here, I review recent exciting work on several macromolecular assemblies demonstrating the power of cryoSTAC for in situ structure analysis and discuss challenges and future directions.

Original publication





Current opinion in structural biology

Publication Date





249 - 258


Division of Structural Biology, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX3 7BN, UK; Electron Bio-Imaging Centre, Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot OX11 0DE, UK; Department of Structural Biology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA. Electronic address: